Market Report – June 2023

Our Executive Director Tim Wedd shares a detailed market update, covering the performances of investment classes, plus an overview of the factors to consider in the medium-to-long term.

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Australian government energy bill rebate 2023

With the rising cost of living and sky-high power bills, the Australian Government approved $14.6 billion to manage rising household expenses, with up to $3 billion allocated towards energy rebates for eligible homes and small businesses. The states and territories are administering the rebates.

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Superannuation changes for FY23/24

On 1 July 2023, a number of superannuation changes came into force – so we caught up with our Senior Financial Adviser, Chris Murray, to find out what you need to know.

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Pension minimum payments to increase to pre-COVID-19 rates

From 1 July, minimum pension drawdown rates are reverting back to pre-COVID levels. But what if you don’t need the additional cash on a day-to-day basis? Louise Lakomy has some suggestions.

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Over retirement age but still working? You may be entitled to a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

If you’re of retirement age but still working, you may now be able to apply for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card thanks to a recent increase in the income limit test.

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Reduction in age eligibility opens super contributions from downsizing to 55-plus

Thinking of downsizing the family home? You can now reap the financial benefits sooner, thanks to a recent reduction in age eligibility for super contributions.

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Property market takes a once-in-a-lifetime turn

The property market’s been a sound investment for as long as most of us can remember. But times are changing. When it comes to property investment, the rules have changed.

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Mid-year review: why a balanced view is needed to understand what the future may hold

The year to date has certainly been eventful for all markets: stocks, bonds and property alike. Crystal Wealth Partners’ Executive Director Tim Wedd looks at what’s happening, what the future may hold, and some of the potential upsides, too.

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New opportunities to contribute to super

If you’re aged between 67 and 75, there are two new ways to contribute to your super fund.

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Receiving a pension? Remember to check your minimums

If you’ve elected to receive the minimum pension, your payment could decrease due to the market downturn – making it a good time to review your monthly cash flow.

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