The questions you need to answer before retirement

By exploring these five questions you can set yourself up for the retirement you’ve always dreamed of, says Crystal Wealth Partners director, Louise Lakomy.

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Estate planning: The four documents you need to have

How many have you got, asks Crystal Wealth executive director, John McIlroy.

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Scammers never sleep

In this article we provide few simple steps how to keep your personal and financial data safe from scammers.

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Positive economic signs for 2020

Crystal Wealth’s executive director Tim Wedd highlights his top four reasons for economic optimism in 2020.

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Estate planning: Using a testamentary trust

Want to keep some control over how the money you leave is spent after you pass? Crystal Wealth’s John McIlroy discusses estate planning.

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The retirement you dream of

Taking care of your finances when you’re working means you can plan for the retirement you want. Crystal Wealth client Bruce Atkins shares his passion for creating glass art.

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Investment in a volatile world

With so much instability around the world impacting on the global economy, it's natural to be concerned about your investments. Crystal Wealth Executive Director Tim Wedd shares everything you need to know about how global events affect investments, and the strategies to minimise the impact.

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Helping your children with an inheritance

It’s a fact of life for most of us that, as the years tick by, the chance of inheriting money increases. For many, that windfall is being received later in life, and parents are using inheritances to help their own children set foot on the property ladder.

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To South America…. and beyond!

The team here at Crystal Wealth has been working with David and AnneMaree Stillman their investment and wealth creation strategies for a number of years. Earlier this year David and AnneMaree enjoyed a trip to South America and Antarctica. Here they share with us some of the highlights.

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The benefits of a self-managed super fund

The creation of your own super fund – a self-managed super fund (SMSF) – is a strategy used by those who want more control over where their super is invested, and how they can use it as part of a broader wealth creation strategy. Crystal Wealth executive director John McIlroy discusses some of the benefits clients find when operating an SMSF.

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