Crystal Wealth Newsroom
The pension changes you need to know about

Transfer Balance Cap Indexation set to rise
At present, the maximum amount of your super balance that can be converted to pension phase is $1.6 million, which means the remainder of your super balance remains in accumulation phase where the earnings are taxed at 15% versus pension phase where it is tax-free.
This cap is known as the Transfer Balance Cap (TBC) and it is expected it will be indexed on 1 July 2021 to $1.7 million.
Lisa Fowler, Head of Advice & Investments at Crystal Wealth Partners says, “For those of you considering commencing a pension, it may be beneficial to wait until 1 July to maximise the amount you are able to convert to pension.
“We’ll know whether it will index on 27 January, when CPI is announced, so we’ll be able to help clients with their plans regarding this very soon.”
Minimum pension drawdown halved
Minimum pension requirements have been halved again in 2020/21.
This change was announced in March 2020 when sharemarkets plunged due to the coronavirus crisis, with the intention of assisting retirees who do not wish to sell assets to fund pension payments while asset values are reduced.
Therefore, the standard pension drawdown percentage is halved – for example, if your minimum pension requirement is 4% it will be reduced to 2%.
If you’d like some guidance around pensions regulations, give the Crystal Wealth team a call.