Crystal Wealth Newsroom
John McIlroy and Louise Lakomy talk to Fairfax and AFR about property purchase options

Last month, Crystal Wealth Partners John McIlroy was quoted in the Fairfaix media outlets including The Sydney Morning Herald – on the subject of helping children buying a home.
Reaching over 15m Australians, John and our client David talked about how Crystal Wealth modelling helped David’s daughters with their property purchases. The article written by John Collett can be accessed here.
Meanwhile, our Director Louise Lakomy was also quoted in The Australian Financial Review this month, in an article exploring the current challenges of dipping into your super for a home deposit.
Speaking to The AFR’s Lucy Dean, Louise said: “Most young Australians have little in their super to begin with and question is – how well they would be able to harness their retirement savings if they wanted to?”
The full article can be accessed here.
Want to discuss gifting to your children or what is the best way to save for a home deposit? Speak to the Crystal Wealth team today – we’d love to help you realise your financial goals.